Periodontitis (Gum) Disease:

Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. It’s typically caused by poor oral hygiene habits that allow plaque-a sticky film of bacteria and tartar to build upon the teeth. It is a common condition in which gums become infected and swollen. This inflammation is the body’s response to the infection caused by bacteria attached to the teeth. If unchecked, this inflammation can cause serious damage to underlying periodontium attachment. In fact, it is the leading cause of tooth loss. Periodontitis is also linked to systemic illnesses like diabetes, blood pressure cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney and liver diseases. Pregnancy, pre-term, and preeclampsia are also associated with periodontal diseases.


  • Red or swollen gums
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Painful chewing
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Receding gums or longer appearing teeth

Treatment of Periodontal (Gum) Disease:

You may need gum treatment if you experience any of the above symptoms.

Professional Dental Cleaning:
Plaque and tartar(deposits) that accumulates on the tooth have to be removed by professional dental cleaning known as scaling. Scaling is also done as a preventive measure to avoid gum diseases once in 6 months. It is done along with root planing in cases where plaque and tartar have accumulated under the gums. Scaling and polishing are recommended once every 6 months for everyone. However, periodontitis cases may require more frequent scaling appointments.

Gum disease

Gum disease can go away but only with immediate gum disease care.

Emergency Care

Emergency Call only

Teeth cleaning

Teeth cleaning is a part of periodental diesease treatment that involves removal of Plaque & tarter.

Flap Surgery:
In this procedure, the gums are lifted and the area beneath it is cleaned thoroughly. The infected gums are excised and removed. Healthy gums are then placed back in such a manner that the space between the gum and the tooth is reduced and thus limiting the space for microbial growth. An additional procedure like regenerative procedures like PRP, PRF, bone grafting, and/or membrane may be carried out along with flap surgery in some cases.

Bone Grafts:
As a result of periodontal disease, the bones supporting the tooth can be affected and thus degenerated. In such cases, fragments of the person’s own bone, synthetic bone, or donated bone can be used to replace the affected bones. The procedure is called ‘bone grafting’. This in turn will stabilize the tooth.

Soft Tissue Grafts:
Gum disease may cause the gums to recede thus exposing the root of the tooth or changing its shape to compromise aesthetics. In such cases, grafted tissue is placed on the exposed area and the gums are stitched in place in order to fill the gap.

Bone Surgery(Obteoplasty):
Due to bone loss, the surface of the bones supporting the teeth can be irregular. In such cases, osseous surgery is done wherein the bone is reshaped to make it smoother and thus decreases the collection of bacteria on its surface.

Cosmetic Gum Treatment:
If you feel that your teeth are smaller or you have a gummy smile or uneven gum line, Then you need periodontal plastic surgery for aesthetic corrections.

Dental Galaxy® Advantage: Dr. Rahul Kathariya is an MDS, Ph.D. in Periodontics, having experience of over 15 years. He has performed, researched, innovated, and published numerous papers and books in international journals related to Periodontics and Implant dentistry. Expertscape & Google,Practo recognizes him as the no. #1 periodontitis in Pune and among the top #3 in the country.

Periodontal (Gum) Treatment